Monday, October 1, 2012

Red Head Agama - Agama agama - Rainbow Lizard - Rainbow Agama @ $22.50

Rainbow Agamas are a medium-sized lizard, growing to lengths of about 13 inches to 15 inches. During the cooler times of the day, and at night, their color is a dark brown hue. When it gets warmer during daylight hours, the color of the male Red Headed Agama changes to blue and red-orange. The blue is on the body while the extremities and head are orange. The female Red Headed Agamas are always shades of brown.

The dominant male has a red head and tail, blue body and limbs during the day. At night the females, subordinate males, and dominant males are brownish. The head is triangular with a distinct neck and a long tapering tail that cannot be regenerated. There is a spiny appearance due to keeled scales. Eyes are round with movable eyelids. The males color may also change based on mood, with aggression being the primary emotion initiating change. The group of lizards are led by a single dominant male. Fights ensue when a strange male comes across the group, and challenges the leader for dominance. When this occurs, the color of the males head will turn brown and white spots will appear across their backs.

The agama is mostly a docile lizard except for a male who defends his territory. There are several identifiable behaviors in this species (head nod, head bob, challenge display, threat display, fighting, and basking). The head nod is when A. agama repeatedly raises and lowers his head, usually seen at the end of movements, possibly to show male position of individuals. Head bobbing, also known as push-ups, is the raising and lowering of the head and chest. This is done in an alert posture, it also occurs in the reproductive behavior of the male. Shown to females when in reproductive colors, one to two begins courtship. The challenge display is shown by the male to intruding males or sub-males showing reproductive color. This is only seen in territory situations. The threat display is the rapid up and down movement of the head with the gular sac fully extended. The whole body raises and lowers. During fighting, males display different colors, usually a dark brown head and a pale blue-grey gular pouch is displayed to show intention. Fighting is a series of bluffs, threats and combat. The challenge occurs when a sub-male or intruding male of reproduction color comes into a territory. The resident male will challenge from a display post showing the gular pouch while head bobbing. The intruder will react by retreating or staying and displaying. If the intruder stays then the male will charge to within two feet and will change colors and threaten again, he will then rush within six inches and will side hop with mouth open. The males will then reverse directions and strike each other with their tails. Basking occurs mainly in the morning between ten and noon, when A. agama has a darker dorsal coloration than later in the day. The dominant male will have the best, most elevated site with the sub-males having the next best followed by the females.

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