Monday, October 1, 2012

Cuban Knight Anoles - Anolis equestris @ $44.50

Cuban Knight Anoles are the largest anoles and range from dull brown to bright green in color. They will grow up to 13-20 inches long. Males are larger and more robust than females and have bright colored dewlaps they use to attract mates. These lizards can live up to 4-6 years if taken care of properly. Because these lizards are docile and very hardy, they make a good choice for beginner reptile owners.

This species is native to Cuba.

Cuban Knight Anoles do well with soil or reptile carpet as a substrate. Be sure to put enough live plants, rocks, and wood in the tank for your lizard to hide in.

A 40-50 gallon tank should be large enough to house 2 or 3 adults. A screen cover is recommended for your tank, as it allows better airflow and heating.

A comfortable temperature for these lizards is around 82-90º F during the day with nighttime temperatures around 75-80º F. LEDs or other low-wattage light bulbs work best for maintaining these temperatures. Humidity should be kept between 80-90%.

Your tank should have a small, shallow bowl of water that is cleaned daily. This is for your lizard to drink from as well as wade in.

Cuban Knight Anoles are mainly insectivorous and feed on small crickets, fruit flies, mealworms, wax worms, and any other insect small enough for them to ingest. It is recommended that food be dusted with calcium to prevent bone softening.

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