Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sri Lankan Star Tortoises (Adult) - Geochelone Elegans @$798.00

Geochelone Elegans,or The Sri Lankan Star Tortoise is an average sized tortoisecommonly foundin scrub forests and dry areas in Sri Lanka and India. TheGeochelone Elegans is a Star Tortoise and as the name suggests its body is covered with star shaped patterns.The carapace has numerous star shaped patterns and designs and is highly domed. The scutes on the carapace rise and form pyramids and stripes originate from its apex along all sides forming the star pattern.The unique mixture of pyramids and bright yellow stars on a black, brown, tan or Olive colored carapace makes The Sri Lankan Star Tortoise one of the most sought after and the most beautiful tortoises in the world. The carapace is non-serrated and keelless except for the pyramids. Compared to their Indian cousins the Sri Lankan Star tortoises are brighter and have more elaborate stripes and pyramids. The carapace not only makes them beautiful but also offers protection to the head and the limbs and other vulnerable parts of its body. The patterns also provide an incredible camouflage for their natural habitat. The plastron is largeand almost completely covers the under belly. It is slightly notched at the posterior end. The star patterns are also visible on the plastron.The female Geochelone Elegans are larger than the males and can grow up to 10 inches. They also have a broader carapace than the males. The SriLankan Star tortoise arecalm, sociable tortoises that adapt to their keepers and co-inhabitants in no time. They have fairly long lifespanand live up to 30 to 80 years.
for more details contact :www.freshmarine.com

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