Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Red Footed Tortoises (Adult) - Geochelone carbonaria @$349.99

Red Footed Tortoise is a medium sizes tortoise which is found in the ranges from savannah to forest-edges around the Amazon Basin. On an average, they 12 inches in length but they can also extend up to 16 inches and they can weigh up to 30 pounds. Their scientific name is Geochelone Carbonaria and proves to be a great pet because taking care of them is easy. Carapace is dark colored which comprise of a lighter patch in the middle of each scute. Their carapace is an elongated oval, highly doomed and smooth. The males have large concave plastron though the color varies and is thick along the edges. The head is small and flat from the top. Upper jaw is slightly hooked. Males are more colorful than females. The tales of both the genders are also different. Males have longer and muscular tail whereas females possess a shorter and conical tail. This species is very active and vigorous. Most of their activities take place in rainy season and mating occurs in this time period. While mating, males make head moments which means approval. Males also sniff at the tales of females before mating and throughout the period of mating and courtship, males are also found making chuckling sounds. July, August and September are those months when females lay clutches of 5 to 15 eggs which are buries in a nest in the ground. Hatchings look completely different from the adults as they are round and flat. They grow mature slowly and attain sexual maturity quite late. Geochelone Carbonaria can live up to 50 years but they are prone to respiratory infections.
for more details contact :www.freshmarine.com

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